Happy Holidays – Some Wacky Simulations with a Festive Theme

December 17th, 2021

Simulation lets you see into the future to understand what will happen and how. What would happen to a fully loaded sleigh if it had a holiday fender bender? What if a sleigh used rotors or a jet engine instead of reindeer? Simulation brings the power of imagination to life, letting Santa make the best new toys, sleighs, etc possible.

Santa’s Digital Transformation Video Playlist using Ansys

Santa says safety first – Santa’s Sleigh Crash Test using Ansys LS-DYNA

Santa oversees a simulated crash to make sure his sleigh is designed with safety in mind.

Snowman Impact Test – FEA of impact between Santa’s sleigh and SPH snowman using ANSYS WB Explicit Dynamics

Snowmen can be a danger for Santa when sleighing in white-out conditions. With Simulation, he knows how to reinforce his sleigh.

Reindeer Optimisation – Exploring the aerodynamics of Santa’s sleigh with ANSYS Discovery Live

You already know all the reindeer by name, but what would happen if Santa had a few more?

Reindeer Ready using Manufacturing Processing Simulation Tools

Reindeer Optimisation Analysis using Moldex3D Injection Moulding Software  

Merry Christmas using DEFORM Manufacturing Simulation Software

Contact us today for further information on simulation tools and solutions.

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